Protecting your hearing is very important for drummers, as highlighted by our brand ambassador Craig Blundell when he said the iFi Studio ZEN CAN IEM amplifier “has enabled me to monitor at a much-reduced volume, preventing ringing ears at the end of a gig.”
The UK Drum Show is almost upon us and we’re really excited to be able to share our products with you. However, we also want you to look after your hearing so you can enjoy playing and listening to music unhindered for years to come. We know the show is a loud environment and for that reason we’re giving away the iFi Studio Ear Plugs, which are extremely effective at reducing noise, with a 37dB attenuation that is even better than top-flight Active Noise Cancellation headphones.
Visit us on stand A10b and pick up your free set with our compliments. And while you’re there why not try the ZEN CAN amplifier for yourself.
Weblinks: www.ifi-studio.com
Written by: The UK Drum Show
labelShow News today30 September, 2023
*Hailing from California, U.S. Art Cruz plays drums with metal heavyweights Lamb of God. Originally a fan of the band before rising to prominence as one of the genre’s top [...]
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